![]() 对于一个本科在读生来说准备哪个比较适合?请看下文,ciia小编帮你分析一下: CIIA和CFA的主要区别如下: CIIA是投资分析师,CFA是金融分析师; CIIA要求通过证券从业五门考试才有资格报考,CFA有本科学历就行; CIIA可以一次性考完,CFA一次性考不完; CIIA可以中文考试,CFA只有英文考试; CIIA是证券业的专门证书,CFA是金融业的。 CIIA的知名度确实不高,如果你不能明确定位你的目标雇主,并确定他们认可CIIA,大可不必准备CIIA。毕竟包括CFA在内的考试,要想拿到证书,都需要工作经验,最后决定去考三级资质往往都是因为雇主要求,他们会赞助你。自己在大学考个一级,意义只不过在于学些东西而已。 这是我去Quora帮你问收到的回答,你可以参考一下。 The CFA charter is an internationally recognized designation.It involves three tests that require about 250 hours of studying each and four years of work experience.It is widely recognized among all major employers in all aspects of finance. The CIIA significantly less recognized and only in Europe.It requires 3 exams and 2 years of work experience. I would personally recommend the CFA program,and I'd consider the CIIA program a waste of your time. 文章来源:未必孤独网,由中国CIIA考试网【www.ciia.cn】整理发布,若需引用或转载,请注明来源! |